Abrupt change to weather pattern coming
Bonus summer days will yield to rain, snow and cold

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — That looks like a wrap on summer.
We’ve all been enjoying a few bonus weeks of summer as temps in the 70s prevailed well past the arrival of autumn. But all that is all about to change. And abruptly.
The National Weather Service is calling for a cold, wet front to move in Wednesday bringing much cooler temperatures, rain, and even snow to some elevations.
In years past, Jackson Hole might enjoy comfortable fall-like weather through Halloween or beyond. Not this fall, it seems. A glance at the 10-day forecast shows daily high temperatures falling into the 50s this week 40s next week, and even 30s by mid-October.
Brrr! Upside? Yellow-jackets will no longer be tormenting us.

The weather change also includes moisture. Rain is a certainty this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The Columbus Day weekend may be salvageable—at least Sunday—but then another, stronger cold front makes the scene next week, bringing more rain, mixed with snow at times, with daily highs in the upper 30s, overnight lows as cold as teens.
Talk about flipping a switch. Dig out the snowblower and shovels, make an appointment for snow tires. Here we go.