Protected bike lanes going back up on Snow King Ave
JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — The Town of Jackson will start re-installing the protected bicycle lanes on Snow King Avenue this week.
Snow King Avenue serves as the primary east-west bicycle route through the town of Jackson, connecting downtown and neighborhoods in East Jackson to destinations such as the Teton County Library, the Jackson/Teton County pathway system, school campuses, and commercial areas and neighborhoods in West Jackson.
The protected bike lanes feature paint markings and flexible plastic delineators that offset the bike lane from motor vehicle traffic, which provides improved safety and comfortable riding conditions for people of all ages and abilities. The protected bike lanes run from Cache Street to Scott Lane and continue on Scott Lane and Maple Way to the start of the Garaman Pathway along Flat Creek.
Earlier this year, Jackson’s Town Council approved the extension of protected lanes all the way to Jackson Elementary School as part of the Willow Street Safe Routes project. These new lanes will continue up Snow King Avenue from Cache Street to Willow and on Willow from Snow King Avenue to Gill. The extended lanes will improve safety for kids and adults riding to Phil Baux Park, Jackson Elementary School, and the Rec Center. Town staff expects that the new lanes will be fully installed by the end of May.