BREAKING: Police find evidence of dog poisoning in May Park
Laced hotdogs sicken at least one dog

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — The Jackson Police Department is investigating a case of suspected dog poisoning after finding several hot dog segments laced with a potentially deadly substance.
Police began their investigation at 7:50am today following up a call that originated at May Park in east Jackson. The reporting party notified the officers that a man was walking his dog in the north part of May Park when he discovered that his 3-year-old Golden Retriever had consumed what appeared to be a piece of a hot dog which contained a 200mg Ibuprofen tablet. The dog was taken to a local veterinary clinic where it was discovered the retriever had consumed three Ibuprofen Tablets.
Investigators returned to the scene and carefully walked the park, discovering three more one-inch pieces of hot dog laced with Ibuprofen tablets. Other officers working for the Community Service Division and the Patrol Division began canvassing other dog friendly areas of the town in an effort to prevent further incidents.
At this time, no other evidence of this type of activity has been discovered outside of May Park. Officers have also reached out to the veterinary clinics, local animal related nonprofits, and the Jackson/Teton County Animal Shelter.

History of dog poisoning in Jackson
The incident reported today is not an isolated one. In 2004, the valley was sieged by a rash of dog poisonings. Some 26 dogs were killed or sickened by hotdogs and hamburgers laced with Temik. The case was never solved by some insiders say a prime suspect was asked to leave town.
In 2018, two Wilson dogs were sickened by a form of rat poison placed in a raw steak adjacent to the bike path.
Ibuprofen harmful to dogs
According to, Ibuprofen is toxic to dogs.
“In as little as 12 hours, signs of toxicity can begin to appear. The initial toxic effect is bleeding stomach ulcers. In addition to ulcers, increasing doses of ibuprofen eventually lead to kidney failure and, if left untreated, can be fatal. Symptoms of ibuprofen toxicity in a dog may include not eating, vomiting, black tarry stools, abdominal pain, weakness, lethargy, increased thirst and increased urination. Signs can range from mild to severe.”
Eyewitnesses asked to come forward
The Jackson Police Department is reaching out to the community and asking for assistance. Anyone who was in the area of May Park from dusk on February 24 to dawn on February 25 and saw anything suspicious should contact the police department at (307) 733-2331. Any nearby residences that have a RING or other recording doorbell camera are also urged to contact the department.
The Community Service Division would also like to remind residents that public parks in the Town of Jackson (with the exception of the dog park at the Teton County Fair Grounds) have prohibitions that apply to dogs, which includes May Park.
“I am happy to report that the prognosis for the Golden Retriever appears to be good at this time,” said Lt. Russ Ruschill.
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