Local NewsPolice

Cops looking for purse snatcher stumble upon major crime spree

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — Officers of the Jackson Police Department began investigating a report from two women whose purses were stolen from inside the Cowboy Bar on July 3 at 1:40am.

The next morning another patron repotted that she had been “pick-pocketed” during the same timeframe. The stolen items included personal items, cash, credit cards, and cell phones.

During the investigation, JPD detectives viewed video from the Cowboy Bar and discovered the same suspect in all three cases. Using the video footage, the detectives followed the suspect through the establishment, eventually leading into the men’s restroom where some of the stolen property was recovered from the trash can.

Upon further investigation it was determined that the suspect used his own credit card to pay for drinks.           Detectives were able to locate a person in Colorado with an extensive criminal history with the same name as that used on the credit card by the suspect.

During the next several days the Jackson Police Department documented several additional reports of theft from East Jackson residents and visitors. Bicycles and sporting equipment accounted for a majority of the stolen property reported during this timeframe. A firearm was also reported stolen from inside of a vehicle parked outside of a local bed and breakfast.

The Investigations Division began reviewing video footage from surrounding government and private camera systems. Detectives were able to again identify the same person from the video at the Cowboy Bar who was also responsible for the stolen firearm. The videos also provided the detectives with a possible vehicle the suspect was driving.

Over the course of the next week, detectives continued to work to identify the suspect, which eventually led them to a residence in Denver, Colorado. Working closely with the Broomfield, Colorado Police Department an arrest warrant was secured for the suspect. The suspect is a 26-year-old, Denver, Colorado resident.

A search warrant for the suspect’s residence was also obtained. During that subsequent search, a firearm was recovered which had an altered serial number. The firearm model and caliber matched the one stolen in Jackson.

Also recovered were many cell phones, other electronic devices, numerous bicycles, and other sporting equipment. During the service of the search warrant, other items that were suspected to have been stolen from vehicles in Grand Teton National Park were also recovered.

The list of property recovered from the search was extensive and the investigation is ongoing. Also during the search, the suspect allegedly told Broomfield Police that of the numerous bicycles recovered at his property only one belonged to him.

It is believed the suspect rented a van in Colorado with the intent to come to Jackson to commit a crime spree of theft. Because the number of items discovered at the suspect’s residence is greater than the number of items repo1ted stolen, detectives believe there are victims who have not reported their stolen items to law enforcement or may not be aware anything has been taken.

The suspect is believed to have been in Jackson from June 30 through July 5.

Anyone with any additional information about this case, or if you believe you may be a victim, please contact the Jackson Police Department at (307) 733-2331.

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