County approves up to 1,800 homes in Northern South Park

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — The Teton County Board of County Commissioners approved the Northern South Park Neighborhood Plan during a regular meeting on Tuesday, July 5.
The approval included an amendment to the draft plan which would allow up to 1,800 residential units on the property—an increase from the original 1,318 units—and that the additional units shall include at least 70% of the units as deed restricted workforce or affordable housing.
Upon approval, commissioners directed staff to create zoning tools with incentives to allow more units depending on the percentage of deed restricted units to be included (on a sliding scale with a minimum of 70% as a floor).
Next steps in the process include development and adoption of the zoning tools for the project. The zoning will define the finer details of any future development such as allowed uses (single family homes, townhomes, apartments, places of worship, childcare etc.) and how the buildings will look (building height, setbacks, and density details).
In addition, zoning tools will dictate the requirements for the deed restricted units and any project phasing to ensure that the affordable units are constructed commensurate with any market rate units on the property.
This process will be conducted by the Teton County and Town of Jackson joint long-range planning team and will include review during public hearings with the County Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners likely next spring and summer.
Approval of development plans and subdivision will occur after the zoning is created and approved for this area.