County looks to amend wildlife friendly regulations

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — It’s news to the ears of Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation and other animal-lovers as the county looks to mandate wildlife friendly fencing with an update to land development regulations.
The Teton County Planning & Building Services Department has developed and released amended draft regulations related to its Wildlife Friendly Fencing initiative. The update is one component of a series of regulation amendments designed to strengthen the county’s stance on protecting the valley’s natural resources as outlined in the Teton County Workplan.
The updated fencing regs aim to clarify rules concerning fencing increase predictability, update design requirements, and include additional agricultural exemptions. The update was a cooperative effort between the county, Teton Conservation District, Wyoming Game and Fish, and interested members of the community.
The county’s efforts align with JH Wildlife Foundation’s efforts to keep Jackson Hole a ‘free to roam’ habitat by removing or modifying some 229 miles of fence to date. The efforts made by the nonprofit include some 1,807 volunteers over the past six years working on 124 distinct projects.
The Teton County Planning Commission will review the draft regulations during their regular meeting on Monday, July 12. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners, which will review the recommendations during the August 3 regular meeting.
Information about the proposed update, including the draft language, can be found online.
Written comments or questions on the proposed draft may be submitted to the Teton County Planning Department at P.O. Box 1727, Jackson, WY 83001 or at