Elk Refuge needs feedback regarding sign replacement, fun runs, bison hunt

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — The National Elk Refuge is considering a few minor changes on a few unrelated fronts.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, on behalf of the Elk Refuge, is seeking public review and comment for three Compatibility Determinations (CDs):
Written comments will be accepted from April 22 through May 6 to Refuge manager Frank Durbian, PO Box 510, Jackson, Wyo or by email.
Compatibility Determinations are documents written, signed and dated by the refuge manager and the regional chief of refuges that signify whether proposed or existing uses of national wildlife refuges are compatible with their establishing purposes and the mission of the National Wildlife Refuge System.
The National Elk Refuge will be evaluating the following uses:
- Interpretive Kiosks are being reevaluated to replace the damaged entrance road kiosk and provide additional kiosks in other key locations to orient and inform Refuge visitors
- Competitive sporting events (fun runs) sponsored by charitable groups, nonprofit groups, or other natural resource agencies
- Cultural Bison Hunt is being reevaluated to expand to include other tribes that claim traditional, or treaty-based hunting rights on the National Elk Refuge