Fair housing complaint filed against Spring Creek HOA
At issue are 2 large 'emotional support' dogs

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — A formal complaint has been filed against the Spring Creek Homeowners Association alleging discriminatory practices.
The complaint—filed with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)—alleges Spring Creek HOA discriminated against an unnamed complainant on the basis of disability in violation of the Fair Housing Act.
Two complainants are listed in the HUD file obtained by Jackson Hole Press. Both names are redacted.
Complainants say they purchased a home in the Spring Creek neighborhood in November 2019. Things got hinky the following summer. The HOA reissued its dog policy which stated in excess of a dozen rules dog owners must follow. They included keeping animals in close proximity to their home when dogs are doing their business, walking dogs somewhere “off the butte,” and generally “minimize the presence of your dog within Spring Creek Ranch.”
Spring Creek HOA sent another letter to all residents in July 2020, restating policy with additional reminders like: “Please also remember that many Spring Creek Ranch homeowners do not like to see dogs within Spring Creek Ranch. Please do your part by complying with the aforementioned dog regulations and also by walking your dog off the butte at the many wonderful dog-friendly locations around Teton County.”
On July 13, 2020, the complainants were granted permission to keep their “two large emotional support dogs” as long as they adhered to the HOA’s rules and regs.
For some reason not made clear, the complainants chose to file their complaint with HUD without first consulting Spring Creek HOA or showing interest in some form of localized arbitration.