Finally! Who got snow?

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — The valley finally received some measurable snowfall last night with varying degrees of coverage.
Downtown Jackson picked up about 4 inches. Down south in Hoback Nation it was more like 3. Up north at Moran they are reporting 2 inches overnight.
Out at the resorts, Grand Targhee and Snow King Mountain both reported 4 inches in the past 24-hour period. Jackson Hole Mountain Resort was the clear winner with a foot of snow overnight.
It was much quieter on the other side of the hill where Driggs reported under an inch of new snow last night.
Another band of activity will pass through the area tonight bringing another inch or so for most locales. Behind that is an arctic blast of bitter cold air that will set up for the week. Expect daily high temperatures to struggle getting much out of the teens. Overnight lows will be well below zero until this weekend.