JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — All area fireworks shows marking Independence Day have been cancelled. With increasing wildfire danger, Fire Marshall Kathy Clay made the decision Friday.
Fire danger is already at VERY HIGH and unseasonably high temperatures are predicted for next week. No significant precipitation looms in the forecast.
“Although a plan to move fireworks from Snow King to a county location bordering town has been in the works, the messaging of holding fireworks while entering this epic drought is inconsistent,” Clay said. “Weather projections continue to indicate this could be one of the driest years on record. Everyone together—homeowner and visitor alike—must be keenly aware of the dangerous summer we are beginning.”
Fourth of July fireworks planned for the base of Snow King in town and at Teton Village are both scrubbed.
“This is a strong message to our community to join together to eliminate all human-caused fire risk,” Fire Chief Brady Hansen said. “I urge everyone in the community or visiting the area to be very aware of the extremely dry conditions this summer.”
Say goodbye to campfires soon as well. Fire restrictions for public and private land are anticipated in the near future, prohibiting any open fire and other ignition sources.
Homeowners are urged to begin preparing their properties for a wildland fire event and remain aware of daily conditions.
“Winds tend to increase in the afternoon and humidity drops low then too,” Clay noted. “If we get a fire on the ground, afternoons will be the most dangerous and challenging for the public and for firefighters.”
Fireworks are illegal in Teton County and all surrounding public lands.