Game & Fish to enhance South Park wetlands
Look for improved hunting and wildlife watching at South Park WHMA

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — The Wyoming Game and Fish Department, in partnership with Ducks Unlimited Inc., plans to begin construction next week on a new wetlands enhancement project at the South Park Wildlife Habitat Management Area approximately five miles south of Jackson. The purpose of the project is to restore existing wetlands as well as develop additional seasonal shallow water wetlands in old river oxbows within the cottonwood gallery.
The project design includes construction of small levees in key locations along with up-to-date water control structures that will allow more efficient water management and fish passage.
In addition to enhancing the habitat value for wildlife, this project aims to improve the watershed condition and function by providing additional filtration for water from the surrounding lands and effluent from the Town of Jackson wastewater treatment facility.
The wetlands on the property form a complex of diverse wetland types that provide habitat for a variety of waterfowl, shorebirds, big game, amphibians, songbirds and many other wildlife species. Specifically, this restoration project will provide: 1) permanent wetlands favored by breeding swans and waterfowl, 2) seasonal shallow water wetlands that will increase forage for both migrating birds and wintering big game, 3) additional waterfowl hunting and wildlife watching opportunities for the public.
Construction equipment will be moved onto the property starting Monday, May 2, and be on site throughout the summer months and into the early fall. While there are no public access closures planned, it is asked that visitors avoid the construction areas for the duration of the project. Work is planned to be completed by December 1, 2022.