Informational meeting about Jackson Lake Dam and Snake River drawdown

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — The Teton Conservation District, Trout Unlimited, and the Bureau of Reclamation will host an informational meeting about the factors, observations, and future actions related to the sudden and drastic fall 2021 drawdown from Jackson Lake Dam into the Snake River. Grand Teton National Park and Wyoming Game and Fish Department representatives will also participate and speak about the ramp down.
The meeting is being held in response to community concerns about the Snake River drawdown last fall and its potential impact to fisheries and other natural and recreational resources. The meeting will include an overview of the Bureau of Reclamation’s operations, management, and maintenance of the dams they operate in the upper Snake River system, including factors guiding 2021 operations and management decisions.

The meeting will also include a recap of fish salvage data, population trends, and future monitoring efforts by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, an overview of drone imagery analysis of channel change by the Teton Conservation District, and a recap of citizen science efforts to help document the ramp down by Trout Unlimited. It will also include a discussion by all agencies about proposed improvements to coordination and communication and share knowledge gaps that they will be seeking to address to better inform future management decisions.
In-person meeting details:
Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Location: 49er Inn, 330 W. Pearl Street, Jackson.
Time: 3pm
Meeting ID: 815 5811 0667
Passcode: 925310
To join by phone: +1-253-215-8782, Passcode 81558110667, Meeting ID 925310 (One tap mobile: +12532158782,,81558110667#,,,,*925310#)