JH Airport set to go back online Tuesday
Parking fees increasing...unless you're a local

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — After 78 days of reconstruction, the Jackson Hole Airport is set to open Tuesday with a full slate of flights including 22 inbound and 18 outbound.
Closed since April 11, the airport boasts a newly resurfaced runway, a TSA checkpoint remodel, and numerous other upgrades.

One change taking place that will affect many is the revamped parking fee structure at the airport. Limited parking has always been an issue with the smaller airport and authorities are raising fees in the hopes of discouraging some from parking at the airport long-term.
The good news is, locals are being offered a break on parking fees. The daily parking rate is increasing from $17 to $25 per day for all non-locals. Locals will still pay a discounted rate of $17. See if you are eligible.
A trial period for this program will run from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. JAC Discount Parking Program Registration.
Uber/Lyft Discount
Locals are also eligible to receive a $5 discount with Uber or Lyft for each leg to/from the airport. Uber and Lyft discount information will be emailed or sent to you via text. Please allow 72 hours for processing.