JHHS Rotary Interact Club to host car wash
Funds will support Ntsika math & science education in S. Africa

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — What if high school students had to hold regular fundraisers just to keep their teachers paid and the school open? Thankfully, that’s not the case in Jackson Hole, but a few appreciative JHHS students are not taking education for granted.
The Jackson Hole High School Interact Club will host a car wash on Friday, May 6, from 10am – 4pm in the student parking lot, located on the west side of the JHHS campus. All proceeds will support math and science education at Ntsika Secondary School in Grahamstown, South Africa.
Ntsika Secondary School is in the Sarah Baartman District in South Africa. Rotary Lunch Club, led by Julia Heemstra, Ken Small and Stuart Palmer, has worked on a Global Grant water project for several years. This project ensures clean water is available, and without water, schools cannot open to students.
Interact students and Ntsika students have formed relationships over the year on Zoom and recently, even held a dance-off between the two groups. Through technology, students have been able to form friendships and learn about each other’s lives. As is the case often, they found they had much in common, even being an ocean apart.
When learning that math and science teacher Mr. Mgoqi’s salary was being cut, Rotary Interact students sprang into action to support their friends and students at Ntsika. Mr. Mgoqi’s yearly salary is $8,000 and is currently being paid through the maintenance budget at the school.
This year, their Ntsika friends raised money for their prom through a car wash, and Rotary Interact students decided to mirror their efforts and hold a car wash themselves.
“As seniors, we may be leaving the community soon; however, leaving a legacy of service and action is what Rotary and Interact are about,” says Rotary Interact president and JHHS senior David Danby. “We hope that this car wash shows students and the valley that everyone can make a difference.”
JHHS Interact students hope to raise funds for Mr. Mgoqi’s salary and pass on a legacy to fellow students.
“In Jackson, we sometimes take our great educational opportunities for granted,” says Rotary Interact co-VP and JHHS senior Henry Berezay. “We are working towards supporting our friends at Ntiska and hope to keep their school thriving.”
JHHS students have a Flex Friday on May 6 and will be charging $20 per car for adults, and $10 for JHHS students during the car wash.

More about Ntsika Secondary School
In 2014, there were 10 Science learners in Grade 12; 15 Maths learners. In 2022 there was 35 Science learners; 49 Math learners (more than the other 4 township high schools combined).
Pass rates
Before 2014 the school had less than a 50% pass rate in maths and science. In 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 students have had a 100% pass rate.
Ntsika students were the top-performing maths and Science learners in the Sarah Baartman District in 2014, 2017, 2018 and 2021.
The Sarah Baartman District has a square milage of 22,469, compared to Teton County’s 4,216.