Leave a legacy, visit Yellowstone in 2072 with Inheritance Pass

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — “The future of the park is in your hands.” That’s the tagline for Yellowstone’s latest fundraiser idea—a pass to the nation’s oldest park to be use in the year 2072
The Inheritance Pass ensures that future generations are able to experience a healthy, thriving national treasure 150 years from now as the park celebrates its 150th year since designation. For $1,500, a donor will receive an Inheritance Pass, valid for a visit in 2172, and a complimentary pass to enjoy the park today (valid for entry in the next year).
The Inheritance Pass is a perfect gift to pass down through family. To gift a pass to someone, add the recipient’s information when filling out the donation form. That name will be printed on the pass. The pass will be sent to the donor and the donor can gift the pass to their selected recipient.
The marketing idea comes from Forever Yellowstone, the fundraising arm of the Yellowstone and the National Park System. Donations will fund preservation efforts for the next 150 years, through priority projects that protect wildlife, preserve resources, and enhance visitor experiences.