Library relaxes age restrictions for minors

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — The Teton County Library will move the age restriction on unattended minors allowed in the library from age 13 back to pre-COVID minimum of age eight.
The board unanimously approved a recommendation by staff at its monthly meeting in July. The change goes into effect Monday, August 2.
“Throughout all of the county’s COVID-19 risk phases, staff have placed utmost importance on public safety when reintroducing library services,” said Kip Roberson, Library Director. “Staff have then gauged patron response at each service level and made adjustments accordingly. We’re now prepared to see how unattended minors under 13 respond to being in the space and hope to see good habits in place for the last month of the summer break.”
The library policy for children states, in part, that: “Children under 8 years of age may not be left unattended at the library. Children under 8 must be accompanied by a caregiver who is at least 12 years of age.”
When the library first welcomed patrons back into the building in August 2020 during the county’s COVID orange risk phase, the ‘Moderate Risk Phase II’ reopening plan erred on the side of caution by raising the unattended minor age from eight to 13 as a temporary measure.
While the county is in yellow or orange risk phases, the library recommends masks and social distancing, and the early literacy room of the Youth Wing, geared toward those under two, will remain closed.