JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — Following the recent retirement of the Wyoming Department of Health’s longtime state Medicaid agent and senior administrator for the Division of Healthcare Financing, an interim administrator has been named.
Teri Green served as state Medicaid agent and led the Division of Healthcare Financing since 2006 following several previous years in other state government positions. At the time of her retirement, Green was the longest-serving state Medicaid agent in the country.
“Teri is a supreme example of what public service is all about. I cannot thank her enough for so many years of leadership and dedication in serving the residents of Wyoming,” said Stefan Johansson, interim Wyoming Department of Health director. “Her steady hand and long list of accomplishments on behalf of our department is a testament to the faith that Wyoming decision-makers and our department’s leadership have had in her.”
Jan Stall has been named as interim state Medicaid agent and senior administrator. Stall has been working in various roles within the department and Wyoming state government since 2007, most recently serving as the provider and benefit management administrator with the Division of Healthcare Financing. Her previous experience includes 16 years with the Colorado Department of Human Services as well as two years working with Medicaid in Hawaii.
“With Jan’s deep experience in Medicaid and the Department of Health, I am confident the transition and interim period will go smoothly,” Johansson said. “Jan has my thanks for stepping in to this important interim role.”
A search for a permanent administrator is planned.