Million dollar Bill: Mr. & Mrs. Old Bill pledge $1M to ’21 Fun Run
In celebration of the 25th anniversary, anonymous couple doubles donation

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — The Community Foundation of Jackson Hole today announced Mr. and Mrs. Old Bill are doubling their Challenge Match, from $500,000 to $1,000,000 in celebration of Old Bill’s Fun Run’s 25th anniversary.
“Mr. and Mrs. Old Bill astonish us with their generosity,” stated Laurie Andrews, Community Foundation president. “Twenty-five years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Old Bill envisioned a collaborative event that would change the way our community looks at philanthropy. Today, giving back to the community is a way of life for Jackson locals, whether volunteering, donating, or doing a random act of kindness for someone in need.”
The 2021 Old Bill’s ‘giving season’ kicks off on Friday, August 13 and runs through September 17. More than 200 local nonprofits are participating in this year’s event. By donating through Old Bill’s during the giving season, the impact of each donor’s gift is augmented through the additional funding provided by Mr. and Mrs. Old Bill and co-challengers in the form of partial matching grants.
In 2020, the event raised more than $15 million from 4,349 donors. Since its inception in 1997, Old Bill’s has raised an astounding $189 million to benefit Teton County.
Old Bill’s Run Day is scheduled for Saturday, September 11 at the Jackson Elementary School Field. In accordance with Town of Jackson regulations, an in-person run day event will take place only if Teton County is in the green or yellow COVID-19 Public Health Guidance Level.
About Old Bill’s Fun Run
One of the most innovative philanthropic initiatives in the nation, Old Bill’s Fun Run is also one of the most successful. Twenty-five years ago, a generous couple, fondly known as Mr. and Mrs. Old Bill, envisioned a collaborative initiative to support local nonprofits. For the first time, organizations came together in an efficient, unified fundraiser that raised awareness of local nonprofits and community needs.
In 2020, the event raised $15,314,287 from 4,349 donors. Since its inception, Old Bill’s has brought an astounding $189 million philanthropic dollars to our community. These funds are busy feeding the hungry, supporting the sick and elderly, teaching kids to read, protecting wildlife, building affordable housing, enriching our lives through the arts, and touching the lives of everyone in Teton County. Old Bill’s is administered by the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole.