Northern South Park planning moving along
Here's the latest on what, where, and when

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — Town of Jackson Planning Commission reviewed and recommended Town Council approve the current draft neighborhood plan for Northern South Park.
The current plan in consideration incorporates community input that showed preference for a mix of building types, integration with existing streets and neighborhoods, effects on traffic patterns, and consideration of connectivity and walkability. Breaking up density into clusters of smaller buildings was also a community preference, so the proposal includes everything from some larger multiplexes, duplexes, townhomes, and large and small-lot single family homes.
The draft includes more density closer to High School Road and buildings spread out with more space in-between across the south of the site. The proposed plan includes 480 affordable units, 360 workforce units, and 478 unrestricted units.
Town Council will consider the draft plan with the County Commission on June 6, and make a recommendation to the county at its June 21 meeting.