Peter Long will run again for County Commissioner
JH native and small business owner seeks to give voice to working class

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — Peter Long announced his candidacy this week for a seat on the Teton County Board of Commissioners.
As a husband and father, small business owner and fourth-generation Jackson Hole native, Long said he was motivated to run again by the growing challenges facing the valley’s working class, particularly young families.
“I am running to be a voice for the individuals and families who are working hardest to keep their place in Teton County,” Long said. “The difficulties facing our working class have grown exponentially over the past two years. I know how hard it is to work multiple jobs and run a business while struggling with housing insecurity, childcare shortages, and rising health care and living costs. These are issues my wife and I grapple with every day.
Long also noted lack of affordable workforce housing, soaring property taxes, and deteriorating infrastructure as front-burner issues.
Commissioner Mark Barron said Long’s involvement in the community and ability to build consensus around good ideas will bring fresh leadership to the Board of Commissioners.
“Peter is the leader our community needs right now. He is a smart, pragmatic problem-solver who understands the growing challenges facing our working families. His willingness to tackle tough issues with common-sense solutions will help strike the balance between growth and conservation here in Teton County,” Barron said.
Jackson Town Councilor Jim Rooks said Long’s capacity to bring people together and find common ground will strengthen the community.
“Peter is a leader who puts good ideas ahead of rigid ideology. He knows how to work across differences of opinion and stand up for what’s right to get to the best outcomes,” Rooks said.
Long made a run for the BCC in 2020, narrowly missing out behind incumbents Natalia Macker and Greg Epstein.
“Many of the same issues remain and have become exacerbated since then, such as affordable housing solutions in Northern South Park and Hog Island,” Long said.