JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — As winter high school athletics and activities get underway, one group is wrapping up its fall season and already looking forward to competitions this month and next.
The JHHS Robotics Team has been busy at all age groups.
The 4th and 5th grade FLL (FIRST Lego League) students are continuing their meetings after school, preparing for the Jackson Hole FLL Robot Rodeo at Jackson Hole High School on December 16 from 4-7pm. This is the culmination of the group’s fall season, with another showdown scheduled for spring.
The 6th grade FLL (FIRST Lego League) travel team is preparing to head to Casper with coach Hope Sieck this Friday for the WY FLL State Championships on Saturday. These students are completing remote interviews and will be competing in the robot portion of the competition in-person.
The rest of the students will continue preparing for the Robot Rodeo on December 16.
The 7th-9th grade FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge) students are preparing for the JH FTC Scrimmage on December 11 from 10am-3pm. They will be competing against teams from Fremont County and Midwest, outside of Casper. It should be a great test for the students and will prepare them for their next scrimmage in Powell on December 22, and the Wyoming State Championships on February 12.
The teams have reassessed the challenges and have modified their robots to be more nimble. Now they need to work on autonomous and pickups. Dan Caudill came by and started working with the students on the video camera. It’s the start of the reformation of the video team.
The 9th-12th grade FRC (FIRST Robotics Challenge) high school team is preparing for the FRC Kickoff on January 8. In the meantime, FRC students will be mentoring the FLL and FTC students, preparing them for the competitions coming up this week.
Wind River clothing/book drive
The JH RoboBroncs would like to thank all who participated in the Wind River Clothing Drive last month. The team brought over a completely full 6×12 U-Haul of clothes over to Parents Are Teachers in Riverton for distribution to needy families on the Wind River Reservation.
Students asked those on the reservation what they would like to receive next and they asked for children’s books. So, that will be the focus of the December Wind River Reservation Drive. RoboBroncs will be opening the wooden box in the front of the high school, and they are hoping to fill it with any children’s books that you might have around the house.