HealthLocal NewsNonprofit

‘Scouting for Food’ a success

Annual community event by One22 and Scouts stocks pantry

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — This past weekend, Scouts from all over Teton County and their parents scouted for grocery items left at front doors for the One22 Resource Center Jackson Cupboard.

Scouting for Food brought in over 180 cases of food from a caring community for the Jackson Cupboard—a 40% increase over last year and the equivalent of 3,600 meals. The event was held Saturday, just in time for the local food pantry’s 20th anniversary with the help of more than 55 scouts, leaders, and volunteers. Scouting for Food is Jackson’s largest food drive as well as a nationwide scouting tradition.

“Scouting for Food and our partnership with the Scouts is always a highlight of the fall. Seeing so many kids and families race across our community to collect every piece people have been so generous to give, and then sort and stack at the Cupboard is truly inspiring,” says One22 Resource Center executive director Sharel Lund. “We are grateful to community members who help ensure we continue to provide nutritious food and groceries.”

With the COVID pandemic now over 18 months old, along with staples like rents, gas and other essential items continually rising in price, individuals and families face tough decisions. Jackson Cupboard provides no-cost groceries and house supplies to help bridge the gap to individuals and families who work in Teton County.

On average, a family of four spends approximately $800 – 1,000 a month on groceries. With many in our community spending 70-90% of their paychecks on rent, assistance like the Jackson Cupboard is critical to providing nutritious food to our community members.

Scouting for Food serves as awareness that there is food insecurity in Jackson, and also where to direct folks who might benefit from these services. Jackson Cupboard, located at 245 N Glenwood Street, has an online ordering form to make shopping easy and convenient.

As a reminder to the community, at the Jackson Cupboard, there is no referral or paperwork. You always leave with food and groceries. Every time.


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