Spring Cleanup is here

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. – Spring Cleanup will return again this May. Time to make Jackson Hole sparkle!
The joint effort is an annual tradition highlighted by the Rotary Club volunteer cleanup countywide, free yard waste drop-off, and spring burn week.
Rotary Volunteer Spring Cleanup Week
May 10 – May 16
Free Yard Waste Dropoff
Free yard waste bags are now available at the Town Hall, Public Works Administrative Offices and at the Recycling Center!
May 10 – May 15 (at the Trash Transfer Station)
May 14 (at the Teton County Fairgrounds)
Spring Burn Week
May 8 – May 17
Spring Cleanup could not be done without the good folks at Teton Trash Removal and Terra Firma Organics.
Rotary Club Community Cleanup
Spring Cleanup Day will once again be a weeklong event instead of the typical Saturday Clean Up. Hopefully by 2022 things will be back to the traditional Saturday event with breakfast before and lunch at Eco-Fair after.
Individuals and organizations interested in helping out with clean up this year, please contact April Norton at jhcleanup@gmail.com. April will help coordinate your efforts. Let April know if there is a specific area you would like to clean—the highway section your group typically cleans, or perhaps a County road or a park you love, or a section of street in town.
Free Yard Waste Dropoff
- No curbside pick-up will occur.
- Yard waste should be brought to the Trash Transfer Station from 7am-3pm Monday-Friday, and 9am-1pm on Saturday. First 500 pounds free May 10th-May 15th.
- One-day only yard waste collection at the Teton County Fairgrounds on Friday, May 14th 9am-6pm.
- Free disposal applies to residential yard waste only.
- Free compostable brown bags are available at: Recycling Center, Town Hall, and Town of Jackson Public Works.
- Attendees of the event should expect to unload their own yard waste at both sites.
- Dog poo, plastic bags, and other trash will be sent home with you.
Please separate your materials into two piles: 1) leaves/grass/twigs 2) sticks/branches (over 1 inch in diameter).
The annual Town of Jackson and Teton County Integrated Solid Waste and Recycling event, Spring Clean Up, will take place from May 10-15. The Town of Jackson and Teton County Integrated Solid Waste and Recycling are extremely excited to resume Spring Clean Up after the 2020 cancelation.
Spring Burn Week
Any residents wishing to participate in burn week, that before you strike that match, to call the Jackson Hole Law Enforcement Agency at 733-2331 first.