Spring Gulch Road closing for a couple days

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — Motorists should anticipate using an alternative route early next week as Teton County begins an improvement project to the gravel section of Spring Gulch Road.
Spring Gulch Road, from Riva Ridge Road and Bar BC Road, will be temporarily closed Tuesday, May 3, beginning at 8am, and remain closed until Wednesday, May 4, at 5pm. Local traffic to Lucas Riva Ridge Road from the south and Bar BC Ranch Road from the north will be allowed.
Improvements to the road include culvert installations on the Spring Gulch ditch and paving. Construction traffic control will remain in place over the coming weeks as construction continues. The same stretch of road will also be closed for two additional days in Mayfor further improvements, but the dates have yet to be determined.
County staff expect the project to be completed in early July.