Staying alive in Yellowstone and Grand Teton
Some of our favorite memes and posters
JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — It’s getting to be that season again as summer arrives in Yellowstone and with it come the obligatory reminders for visitors to not die.
National parks offer a unique experience for watching wildlife. But with that privilege comes great responsibility. Visitors are responsible for their own safety and for the safety of the animals, too. Simply put, leave animals alone—no touching, no feeding, no harassing. Do not feed any animals from your car and keep an eye on the road for any wildlife that may decide to cross at any time.
“’Vacation brain’ sometimes makes an appearance, and people may let their guard down, or get taken in by a bear’s fluffy ears, only to have a less than pleasant experience in nature,” warns the National Park Service. “Nature doesn’t care about your vacation. It happens. Every year.”