Town council moving toward hybrid meetings

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — At the council’s regular meeting Tuesday (pushed a day from observed Independence Day), town electeds had one of their quicker get-togethers.
Mayor Hailey Morton Levinson introduced new employees Paul Jacobson and Kyle Badura.
Councilmembers came up just short of setting in stone what future meetings might look like in regards to in-person or virtual. It looks like a hybrid form of meeting will be the way the council chooses to go. Electeds directed staff to tweak a few things that will allow town council meetings, as well as Planning Commission, Design Review Committee, and Board of Examiners to operate in the same manner; one that will make allowances for remote participation from applicants, presenters, and public.
Several ordinance readings were also approved at the meeting.
Finally, the council reappointed Damon Wilson, Jade Beus, and Mike Mielke to the Board of Examiners.
More about audience/public participation from the town:
After fifteen months of virtual meetings due to COVID-19, Town Council voted Tuesday to officially go back to in-person meetings for Council members while keeping virtual options in place for community members to continue to make meetings as accessible as possible.
Community members will continue to be able to make public audio comment virtually for all regular, special, and emergency meetings. Applicants and presenters will also be permitted to continue to participate in Town Council meetings remotely. The Town sees is focusing on the value of retaining the positive aspects of adjustments made to get through the pandemic. Staff created a plan to ensure that options for virtual public comment, originally created to accommodate social distancing, remain in place as the world slowly re-emerges from pandemic-living.
Councilor Jim Rooks shared, “I’m really excited about these motions to allow increased participation from community members, which I would suggest is very, very important.”
Council Members will be permitted to participate, vote, and be counted as present for a quorum virtually with approval, and Council discussed the necessary commitment for electeds to not miss too many consecutive meetings. Staff was directed to include the above changes and to bring back some modifications regarding virtual participation for Council members. These changes will continue on a permanent basis and be incorporated into the next update to Council Rules and Procedures. The same standards for participation, including the ability for virtual comment, will continue to be options for Planning Commission, Design Review Committee, and Board of Examiner meetings going forward as well.