Town goes all-virtual at meetings today
Rodeo contract extension, special events policy under consideration

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — The Jackson Town Council will assemble two times on Monday, August 2 for regularly scheduled meetings. Both of these meetings will be virtually-only conducted via Zoom. There will no in-person option for the meetings.
At 3:00pm, council will join the county commissioners for a Joint Information Meeting (JIM).
The joint boards will decide whether to increase the number of board members on the Jackson Hole Travel and Tourism Joint Power Board from 7 to 9 people.
An executive session will follow in order to consider appointments to a volunteer board, specifically the appointment of a board member as a public officer.
The electeds will also tackle Rec Center expansion decisions, the possible adoption of new housing rules and regs, and continue their discussion on northern South Park.
At 6:00pm the town council will hold its regular meeting. The meeting will begin with items listed on the consent calendar including the approval of meeting minutes and disbursements, the review of a contract award for a geotechnical exploration of a potential new well, the consideration of two temporary sign applications as well as a special event application submitted by Wyoming Stargazing and the endorsement of two letters of support for National Endowment for the Arts Grants.
The Administration and Planning Departments will then present possible action items.
First, assistant town manager Roxanne Robinson will discuss the potential re-negotiation of the rodeo concessionaire agreement with Jackson Hole Rodeo for another term. The current agreement expires on September 30, 2021.
Also, special events coordinator Carl Pelletier will review the current COVID special event policy, which was originally approved in February 2021. Even as metrics indicate a recent surge in cases and county health officials are considering adding back restrictions, the town will decide whether it wants to relax restrictions on large special events, even if the county moves to Orange (moderate) risk level.
Senior planner Tyler Valentine will present a development plan amendment for a subdivision at the properties addressed at 105-165 on Nelson Drive. The amendment seeks to reduce the number of subdivided lots from 7 to 5.
Town clerk Lynsey Lenamond will present Resolution #21-24, a resolution authorizing the Jackson Hole Airport Board to accept a grant for American Rescue Plan Act funds for the reimbursement of airport operating expenses and debt service.
Several ordinances will be considered including updates to Title 1 of the Jackson Municipal Code, changes to Title 16 of the Municipal Code concerning Housing Department regulations and a consideration of a franchise agreement to permit a business to collect and dispose of compostable materials and reusable packaging within the town.
Town manager Larry Pardee will conclude the meeting with his presentation of the town manager’s report addressing the topic of changing protocols in town facilities as a response to a rise in the number of COVID-19 cases in Teton County.