Town of Jackson winter rules go into effect Nov. 1

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — Winter is on the way and with it come certain restrictions in town. Overnight parking is not permitted on all town streets and alleys during the hours of 3-7am, from November 1 through April 15.
Enforcement will take place every morning during these dates, regardless of whether or not it snows. If you must leave your car overnight, please plan ahead and find an alternate location. Overnight parking is always allowed in the Public Parking Garage located at the intersection of Milward and Simpson for up to 48 hours.
The fine for being cited for illegal parking is $100.
Ordinance (PDF) clarifying the requirement for the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks in front of residences, businesses and lots of land within town limits. Every person in charge or control of any building or lot of land within the town fronting or abutting on a paved sidewalk or boardwalk shall remove and clear away snow and ice from the sidewalk.
The snow removed from sidewalks may not be deposited onto any roadway (street or alleyway), sidewalk or in front of fire hydrants.
In business districts, snow and ice needs to be removed from sidewalks within six business hours after the cessation of any fall of snow, sleet or freezing rain, or by the beginning of business hours the next day following such a fall, whichever period is longer.
All other sidewalks need to have snow and ice removed the same day of cessation of any fall of snow, sleet or freezing rain or within the first 6 hours of daylight after the cessation, whichever period is longer.
Depositing of Snow & Ice Restricted
In order to respond to concerns and also to increase walkability of the community in the winter, the Town of Jackson is stepping up enforcement of the restriction against depositing snow on sidewalks. Shoveled or plowed snow dumped on the sidewalk limits the ability for pedestrians to utilize the sidewalk, particularly members of our elderly community.
According to the Municipal Code 12.20.030, no one shall deposit or cause to be deposited any snow and ice on or against a fire hydrant or on any sidewalk or roadway.