Town regulates taxi fares, other business codes
New system includes a maximum fare that can be charged by cab companies

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. – The updating of town municipal codes covering business licenses and general business regulations included changes to how much taxi drivers can charge for their trips.
Calling Title 5 of Jackson’s Municipal Code long overdue to be revised and updated, the town’s legal department worked with a consultant reviewing the entire code over several months to ensure everything was still relevant and aligned with current laws.
Changes to Title 5, effective beginning April 20, 2021 include important updates including changes to taxi fares. The town has regulated taxi fares since 2008. This update includes the creation of a “Zone System” for ground transportation. This new system includes a maximum fare that can be charged, allows taxis to charge $4.00 for additional passengers above four persons, and utilizes an average rate of $3.15 per mile. Nationally, the average cost per mile for taxis falls between $2.50 and $3.50.
These updates will ensure customers have predictable fares and that taxi company owners and drivers have reasonable returns, according to the town council.
In additional to taxis, town officials are encouraging any and all businesses, especially hotels, bars, and other establishments that taxi cabs frequent, to post and share copies of these zone maps. The town is also making these maps available through the Chamber of Commerce.
Licensing for long-term residential rentals is addressed in Title 5 as well and will remain the same. As a reminder, anyone leasing three or more residential dwellings or apartments must acquire and maintain a business license. These licenses are not required for individuals or businesses renting residential units to meet employee housing requirements, house employees outside of any housing requirement, or if one already has a business license from the town.
Also, as a reminder, any person, including agents and independent contractors, conducting business within the town must obtain and maintain a general business license, which includes but is not limited to, real estate agents, attorneys, doctors, and hairstylists.