Win ‘MacGyver’ Furber receives rock of recognition

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — Win Furber is a bit of a Renaissance man—there is almost nothing he won’t or can’t do.
Jack-of-All-Trades Furber is the latest Value Jackson Award recipient. Win is technically the facilities assistant for the Town of Jackson, based out of Jackson’s Public Works Department. But his ability to tackle just about anything is the reason he is affectionately known as the town’s ‘MacGyver.’
Last month’s recipient, Sandy Birdyshaw, certainly notices and appreciates Furber. She nominated him for this month’s True Value awardee.
Originally from New Hampshire, Win graduated from Middlebury with a degree in Fine Arts and a minor in Physics and Mathematics. He’s an artist, a sailor, an avid outdoorsman…and he can fix (no exaggeration) ANYTHING.
Prior to coming to work for the Town of Jackson, Win worked for major financial institutions and nonprofits, while also dabbling in construction. He’s been working for the town since January of 2020 and Sandy is not only one who feels lucky that he is on the team.
Each month the Value Jackson Award is passed from one employee to another employee who has demonstrated exemplary levels of one or more of the town values.