2nd place finish for speech team

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — The Jackson Hole High School Speech and Debate Team started their 2021-22 season successfully with a 2nd place finish in 4A at the Rock Springs Tiger Classic Tournament, held at Rock Springs High School, November 19-20.
Cheyenne East took 1st. Cheyenne South placed 3rd. The team, coached by Londe and Peggy Gagnon traveled to the tournament with 14 of their 26 members. Individually, members of the team earned several top place awards as well.
Seniors and team captains, Lily Briggs and William Aepli haven’t missed a step since last season. The pair secured a 1st place finish in Public Forum Debate. Juniors Alexis Hernandez and Jheili Montiel Huerta finished 5th in the same event.
Extemporaneous Speaking was also good to Jackson as the team owned the top three spots on the podium. Aepli led the way with his 1st place finish. Hernandez took home 2nd place, and senior Sarah Schweitzer grabbed the 3rd place spot.
Schweitzer went on to finish 4th in Impromptu Speaking. Hernandez proved his triple threat status by reaching the semifinals of the event.
In Congressional Debate, junior Sophie Lamb brought home the championship. Lamb also took 3rd in Lincoln Douglas Debate.
Briggs took 3rd in CD, junior Ventura Garcia Perez finished in 7th place.
Junior Angel Rooks Orton, competing in her first speech tournament ever, earned an impressive 7th place award in Novice Program Oral Interpretation.
Coaches of the JHHS speech team are pretty excited to have such a well-rounded group competing so well this early in the season. Competing in-person again was also welcomed.
“We are thrilled to have opportunities to compete in-person again, “Londe Gagnon commented. “Varsity and novice worked together in seamless fashion to bring home numerous top awards. It’s going to be an adventurous season.”