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Town: Give our plow teams a break

Short-staffed and exhausted, town streets team doing what it can

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — As staff shortages continue to impact our nation, the Town of Jackson is not immune. Currently the town’s snowplow street’s division, which usually employs 11 people, has only 8 staff members.

Streets manager Sam Jewison assured JH Press his team is working around the clock and shared, “I am really proud of this team for putting in extra effort. They deserve patience, support, and gratitude from our entire community.”

And others are pitching in while the snow continues to fall.

Town staff including the assistant public works director, streets manager, water manager, senior water utility operator, senior wastewater collections operator, and meter reader, who each have other roles in the public works department, are filling in behind the wheels of snowplows to help keep our streets clear.

The town asks for patience as they try to get to all streets. Main arteries are the priority so some side streets may not see the best attention right away.

The town’s motto has always been a kind of ‘all hands on deck.’ Never been more true than to employ the water meter reader to plow some snow in times of need. (TOJ)

The town’s snowplow drivers start their day at 2:30am. In the past, streets were typically cleared of snow by 7:30am. With current staff shortages, this simply is not possible, and it has been closer to noon before plowing routes are completed after recent storms. The snowplow team is currently getting everything done, but with fewer people, it takes more time and means more hours on the clock for an over-worked staff.

As winter continues, this could mean alleys and public parking lots do not get plowed within 24 hours of snowstorms. In addition, the Parks & Rec crew plows sidewalks, pathways, and ice rinks in town. Parks & Rec is also currently down three staff due to hiring challenges and COVID. In the past, their plow team completed their plowing between 5-9am. With current staff and storms, they are not finished with plowing until 12pm. With staff shortages, Parks & Rec is clearing but not detailing ice rinks.

Next week’s mild weather forecast should give the town’s plow teams time to catch up and begin removing curbside snowbanks. Until then, expect things to be a little western out there.

Town manager Larry Pardee said, “Our crews are working hard and getting the job done and I am empowering them to take care of themselves as much as the streets. Highways and main streets are the priority and there may be significant delays getting alleys and parking lots plowed as our departments are under-resourced. Thank you for everyone’s patience and understanding as we all get through this winter together with the available resources.”

The good news is that the community can help by being more aware and doing simple things. Here are various things to do to help keep our community on safely plowed roads.

  • Keep trashcans off streets and sidewalks until after 7:00am –trashcans in the street the night before trash pick-up means plow drivers have to maneuver around or get out and move them, which wastes valuable time and energy.
  • Do not park cars in alleys and do not block sidewalks with cars.
  • Give plows plenty of space when the streets are being plowed.
  • From 2:00 – 7:00am do not park on streets, in Town parking lots, or on the top floor of the parking garage.

Public Works and Parks & Rec are two of many local government departments juggling workloads with limited staff. Various departments are looking hard at their required duties and work plans and are recalibrating what needs to be completed and in what order of priority given current capacity and available resources. Thank you to our community for patience and understanding.


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