Local NewsPolice

Barn fire blamed on chicken heat lamp

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — The cause of last week’s barn fire on Bedstraw Lane off of South Park Ranch Road has been determined by Teton County Fire Marshal Kathy Clay.

The barn was used for storage and a section had been made into a chicken run with chicken coop. Clay says that an investigation of a structure so completely consumed by fire makes investigating the cause challenging.

“The chickens, while settling in for the evening to roost, most likely dislodged a hanging heat lamp, which ignited combustibles on the floor of the roost area,” Clay said. “If you have a chicken coop, be sure all heat lamps are very secure and cannot be knocked loose. Heating units to keep water from freezing should be plugged directly into outlets.”

The most recent report from the homeowners indicated that eight of the nine chickens survived the fire and were eating and drinking. One chicken died in the fire.

Jackson Hole Fire/EMS crews were able to keep the fire from extending into a nearby structure and several cords of firewood were protected, both of which were located near the barn. The barn was deemed a total loss.

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