JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — Governor Mark Gordon laid out a forward-looking agenda in his 2022 State of the State address, calling for Wyoming to embrace new opportunities and innovation in energy, education and economic development.
“Despite tremendous challenges, Wyoming is strong and getting stronger. We are strong because of our character, resilient because of our nature, and optimistic because Wyoming people are doers,” Governor Gordon said. “I believe there is an undeniable momentum in Wyoming these days.”
In his address to the 66th Legislature Governor Gordon called for a frugal budget, acknowledging the impact of inflation and the ongoing assault on the state’s legacy industries by the Biden Administration. He renewed his call for an all-of-the-above energy policy that includes $100 million to use as matching funds on Wyoming energy projects.
“Wyoming has it all: the best wind, solar, gas, coal, nuclear and the ability to store 50 years’ worth of our nation’s total carbon emissions,” Gordon said. “Innovation, not regulation, is our way forward to give our nation the energy it requires and simultaneously solve the world’s climate concerns.”
Gordon began his address remembering those lost over the past year including U.S. Senator Mike Enzi and State Senator Leland Christensen.
The Governor also emphasized the need to address Wyoming’s Emergency Medical System, bolster the state’s outdoor recreation economy, and invest in the Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust.
Governor Gordon renewed his call for a market adjustment for state employees to ensure the state is able to retain its workforce and to counter federal policies that are driving up inflation. He also outlined the goals of two major initiatives—the Wyoming Innovation Partnership (WIP) and the Reimagining and Innovating the Delivery of Education (RIDE) Advisory Group.
“Wyoming is actually bursting with opportunity across all of our sectors,” Gordon said. “We want our education system to be part of the way we grow.”
Gordon closed with the refrain: Right now, the world needs more cowboys.