JHHS speechies top the field in Evanston

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — The Jackson Hole High School Speech & Debate team earned a first place 4A sweepstakes trophy this past weekend at the Evanston Invitational January 14-15.
Under the coaching of Londe Gagnon and Peggy Gagnon, the Jackson squad earned 58 sweepstakes points with Rock Springs following behind in 2nd with 19 points. Eight schools attended the meet where JHHS had 15 individual top placings.
Senior and team captain Will Aepli led the way with his championship in Extemporaneous Speaking. Extemporaneous Speaking proved to be a powerhouse event for the Jackson team as senior Sarah Schweitzer placed 4th and junior Alexis Hernandez brought home 5th place.
In Public Forum Debate, Schweitzer joined team captain and senior Carter Worcester to secure 2nd place. Senior and team captain Lily Briggs joined Aepli to tie for 3rd in the event with fellow teammates freshmen Jasper Brandenburg and Ben Moffett. The debate teams spent the weekend arguing whether or not the federal government should legalize all illicit drugs.
The JHHS team continued to dominate in Congressional Debate. Worcester was the champion in the event with Briggs following closely behind in 2nd place. Sophomore James Neishabouri placed 4th. Brandenburg and Jackson Neishabouri reached the finals round of the event as well.
Hernandez once again earned his triple threat reputation by taking 5th in Lincoln Douglas Debate, and finishing in 3rd in Original Oratory. Schweitzer also proved her triple threat status by placing 4th in Impromptu. Aepli placed 7th in the event, cementing his triple threat position as well. Junior Julieta Anaya had a very successful weekend placing 6th in Impromptu and 4th in Poetry Interpretation.
The team competes in a virtual tournament this coming weekend hosted by Star Valley.
Jackson is planning its own invitational tournament on Friday and Saturday, February 4-5. For the home tournament, the Speech Team is in need of approximately 100 volunteers to judge for approximately an hour and a half each. Judging guidelines will be provided and several practice judging sessions will be offered. Judging experience is not required. Refreshments and free babysitting will be provided.
If you would be able to volunteer anytime from 1pm Friday afternoon until 9pm Friday evening, or from 8am Saturday until 3pm Saturday, please sign up online , or email coach Londe Gagnon, or call her at 307-699-0537.