JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — Kotler Ice Arena is looking forward to its new Zamboni due to arrive this week.
The new ice surfacing machine was purchased through funds made available last year from a donation by Foster Friess and his wife Lynn Friess and their foundation. The generous gift was made on behalf of Kristin Woodward and her sons—Austin and Braden Vanskike.
The donation provided seed money used to kick off a fundraising “Zampaign.” The matching $50,000 grant made possible the purchase of a much-needed new Zamboni, along with the construction of essential capital improvements to the rink.
Kotler’s old Zam broke down last winter, prompting assistance from Snow King Sports and Event Center. They loaned their backup Zamboni to finish out the season.
The new Zamboni is on its way, due to arrive on Thursday. It will head right into action as efforts are already underway to kick off the Kotler Ice Arena season on November 6.