JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. —Abortion is on course to be illegal in Wyoming after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade Friday.
Justices ruled the 50-year precedent of Roe should be overruled, setting off so-called “trigger laws” in 13 states, including Wyoming.
Kim Clark, senior attorney for reproductive rights, health and justice for the women’s rights group Legal Voice, said there will be out-of-state options for Wyoming women who can find the time and money to travel.
“Abortion funds across the country are ready to provide support to people who need to travel across state lines to access care,” Clark emphasized. “And I think there will be other informal networks of support.”
A bill passed in the last session will go into effect five days after Gov. Mark Gordon certifies the high court’s ruling to the Secretary of State.
House Bill 92 will make all abortions illegal in Wyoming with exceptions for rape, incest, risk of death or “substantial and irreversible physical impairments.” Gordon called the Supreme Court’s ruling “a decisive win for those who have fought for the rights of the unborn for the past 50 years.”
Wyoming-based Chelsea’s Fund provides financial support for women seeking an abortion, and is also accepting donations. Clark pointed out states including Colorado, where abortion will remain legal, are expected to face challenges meeting a surge in demand.
“The other place where folks can help out is in supporting providers in safe-haven states who will be stepping up to absorb a great deal of uncompensated care as folks come into those states for access to care,” Clark observed.
Women can currently get abortion pills by mail through the group Just the Pill. A spokesperson told WyoFile if the state makes abortion illegal, women will have to leave the state for a telehealth visit, and wait up to two days before receiving medicine at a mobile clinic, or sent by mail to a location out of state.