Speech team starts season with novice-only showing
Rookie class looks sharp, Rock Springs next

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — The Jackson Hole High School Speech and Debate Team started their season off strong with a novice-only virtual tournament hosted by Cheyenne South over this past weekend. Fourteeen schools attended the tournament.
Freshman Jasper Brandenburg finished in 5th place in Congressional Debate, the largest event at the tournament. Freshman Ben Moffett followed closely behind tying for 7th in the event. In this simulation of the U.S. legislative process, students generate a series of bills and resolutions for debate. Debaters then alternate delivering speeches for and against the topic in a group setting.
Freshman Case Meaney teamed up with sophomore Jackson Neishabouri in Public Forum Debate where they tied for 5th place in the event. They spent the weekend arguing whether or not increased United States federal regulation of cryptocurrency transactions and/or assets will produce more benefits than harms.
Freshman Oscar Andersen finished 6th in Lincoln Douglas Debate. He spent the weekend examining whether or not a just government ought to recognize an unconditional right of workers to strike.
Several varsity members of the JHHS team volunteered their time to judge in the tournament, ensuring a successful weekend for everyone competing.
Coach Londe Gagnon stated, “As an organization we are learning to adjust and thrive in a new format of Speech and Debate that promotes safety as a top priority. We are extremely excited to see the promise of our novices and look forward to seeing what the upcoming hybrid season will bring.”
The team competes again next weekend at Rock Springs in their first in person tournament in 18 months. The novices will join the varsity for the competition.