Parks & Rec: Clean up dog poop

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. — Abandoned pet poop is again becoming a concern on local trails.
The Teton County/Jackson Parks and Recreation Department is reminding dog owners to clean up after their pets when utilizing public hiking and walking trails.
Numerous complaints to Parks & Rec so far this winter prompted the department to plead for better compliance.
“There are always those people who don’t pick up their pet, but this year, it seems to be quite substantial,” said manager Andy Erskine. “It’s not just that it is unpleasant for others to have to walk around, but it can have serious consequences on others and the environment.”
Cleaning up after our fur friends not only preserves the beauty of our natural environment, but it also protects human health, dog health, and our waters, Erskine says. Emily’s Pond and Cache Creek are especially susceptible to watershed contamination from animal waste.
Many diseases are also transferred between dogs through fecal matter/oral transmission, such as intestinal parasites like roundworms and hookworms. Bacterial and viral infections like Parvovirus, can also spread through fecal matter.
Trail etiquette starts with being mindful of sharing public trails with others. When pet fecal matter is not picked up, it can diminish the outdoor experience for others: It smells, it can be stepped in, it is visually unpleasant, it carries disease.